Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.
NEW PHONE NUMBER: If you need to reach us by phone, please leave a message on our Google Voice number, 971-716-1339. Better yet, use our online contact system to send us an instant message. We respond to most messages within a day.
Website Updates: The website is gradually being updated so as to be more compatible with mobile devices. Please let us know if you see any problems or have suggestions as we make this transition.
Handcrafted solid hardwood prayer kneelers and benches (also known as 'prie dieu'), altars and other quality items for home and small chapel use. Oak, walnut, maple, cherry and other wood selections are available. Prices start under $200 and delivery is ~ 2-3 weeks. More info....
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We have some great options for adults, youth and kids groups. Cord rosaries with wood beads are usually best for groups due to the ease and speed of assembly; they are also among the strongest rosaries available.
See our recommended rosary kits page for common options, or you can even design your own kit (and get a large discount for orders of 10 or more).
The Liturgy of the Hours is a treasured prayer of the Catholic Church. We have written a comprehensive tutorial that can help you learn to pray it. We also carry the prayer books, themselves.
(One of the hundreds of happy notes we receive each year)
I got them and they are BEAUTIFUL!! Wow - they are exactly what I was looking for. The kids will love them ... I hope!! It will be a nice keepsake from the retreat.