Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.
The Rosary Shop hosts a free e-mail discussion group, "Rosary Talk," for the rosary-making community. It is intended to be a forum where people can come together, talk about rosaries and rosary-making, share ideas, and support each other. (Though we provide the service at no-charge to the community, it does cost us money and time to maintain it. We humbly ask that you keep this in mind when considering where to make your purchases.)
An e-mail discussion group is not a chat room. Rather, it could be compared to a magazine subscription where the subscribers write the content. Once you subscribe, any e-mail messages sent to will be forwarded to all of the other subscribers in the group.
To subscribe to the group, simply complete the form, below. (You may also use this form to "unsubscribe" to the group.)
By signing up for the group, you are agreeing to the following "Ten Commandments":
SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUTLOOK and OUTLOOK EXPRESS USERS: Your e-mail software has probably been set to send new e-mail (and the original messages in replies) as attachments! Consequently, unless you change your e-mail settings to send all e-mail as plain text -- "exorcising" all attachments -- you will not be able to send messages to the rosary talk group.
Having difficulty with the talk group? Please contact us if you are experiencing a technical difficulty. Please do not send technical questions to the talk group.