Holy Cards

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HC-0001: Adoration
Includes Hail Mary Prayer

Baptism HC-0003: Baptism
Laminated card with a blessing for baptisms.

HC-0004: Beatitudes
Includes a list of the Beatitudes

HC-0006: Christ at Gethsemane
Includes "I said a prayer for you."

HC-0008: Christ Carrying the Cross
Includes poem on a Cross in my Pocket.

HC-0009: Christ Knocking
Includes the Lord's Prayer

Coronation of Mary HC-0011: Coronation of Mary
Includes Memorare. Laminated.

HC-0012: Crucifixion
Includes Prayer Before a Crucifix

HC-0013: Crucifixion Holy Card
Includes Prayer to Jesus Crucified

HC-0014: Crucifixion / Stations Prayer
Includes the Stations of the Cross on the back.

HC-0015: Divine Mercy
Includes Chaplet of Divine Mercy

HC-0019: Footprints
Includes Footprints Prayer

HC-0022: Holy Family
Includes Prayer for Children

HC-0023: Immaculate Conception
Includes Prayer to Our lady

HC-0025: The Last Supper
The Apostles' Creed

The Last Supper Holy Card HC-0026: The Last Supper Holy Card
Apostles Creed on Back

HC-0027: Light of the World
Light of the World

HC-0028: The Lord is My Shepherd
23rd Psalm

HC-0029: Madonna of the Streets Holy Card

HC-0030: Madonna and Child Holy Card

HC-0031: Madonna of the Rosary
Includes the mysteries of the rosary.

HC-0034: The Millennium
Renewal Prayer for the New Millenium

HC-0035: The Monstrance
Communion Prayer

HC-0036: Mother Teresa
Something Beautiful for God

HC-0037: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

HC-0038: Our Lady of Czestochowa Holy Card
Prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa

HC-0039: Our Lady of Fatima
Novena to Our Lady of Fatima

HC-0041: Our Lady of Grace Holy Card
The Memorare of St. Bernard

HC-0042: Our Lady of the Miraculous Med Holy Card
Miraculous Medal Novena

HC-0043: Our Lady of Guadalupe
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

HC-0045: Our Lady of Lourdes
Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Medjugorge HC-0046: Our Lady of Medjugorge
Prayer to Mother of Goodness, Love and Mercy

HC-0048: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Holy Card
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

HC-0049: Our Lady of the Rosary
Regina Caeli

HC-0050: Padre Pio
Prayer to Padre Pio

The Pieta HC-0051: The Pieta
Novena to the Pieta

HC-0054: Purgatory
Novena Prayers for Souls in Purgatory

HC-0055: Queen of Heaven Holy Card
Hail Holy Queen

HC-0057: Sacred Heart
Consecration to the Sacred Heart

HC-0058: Sacred Heart Holy Card
Anima Christi

HC-0059: SanDamiano
Prayer of St. Francis

HC-0060: Serenity
Serenity Prayer

HC-0061: Praying Hands
Serenity Prayer

HC-0062: Seven Sacraments

Agatha HC-0065: Agatha
Patroness of Nurses. Laminated.

Agnes HC-0066: Agnes
Novena to St. Agnes. Laminated.

HC-0067: Aloysius
Prayer to St. Aloysius

HC-0068: Alphonsus
Patron of the Sick

HC-0069: Ambrose
Prayer of St. Ambrose to Seek and Find God

HC-0070: Andrew
Prayers to St. Andrew

HC-0071: Anne
Novena to St. Anne

HC-0072: Anthony
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony

HC-0073: Augustine
Noveny to St. Augustine. Laminated.

Barbara HC-0074: Barbara

HC-0075: Bartholomew
Prayer to St. Bartholomew

Benedict HC-0076: Benedict
Novena to St. Benedict. Laminated

HC-0077: John Berchmans
To an Altar Server

HC-0078: Camillus
Prayer to St. Camillus

HC-0079: Catherine Laboure
Miraculous Medal Novena

HC-0080: Catherine of Siena
Prayer to St. Catherine of Siena

HC-0081: Cecilia
Prayer to St. Cecilia

Christopher HC-0082: Christopher
Prayer to St. Christopher. Laminated.

HC-0083: Cosmas and Damian
Prayers to Sts. Cosmos and Damian

HC-0084: Dominic
Prayer to St. Dominic

HC-0085: Dorothy
Prayer to St. Dorothy

Elizabeth of Hungary Holy Card HC-0087: Elizabeth of Hungary Holy Card
Prayer to St. Elizabeth of Hungary

HC-0088: Elizabeth Ann Seton
Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to Attain Happiness

Florian HC-0089: Florian
St. Florian Patron of Firefighters. Laminated.

Francis Xavier Cabrini Holy Card HC-0091: Francis Xavier Cabrini Holy Card
Prayer to St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

HC-0092: Francis
Prayer of St. Francis

HC-0093: Francis de Sales
Novena to St. Francis de Sales

George HC-0096: George
Prayer to St. George. Patron St. of England. Laminated.

HC-0097: Gregory the Great
Prayer to St. Gregory the Great

HC-0098: Helen
Prayer of St. Helen. Laminated.

Ignatius HC-0099: Ignatius
Prayer to St. Ignatius

HC-0100: Joachim
Novena to St. Joachim

HC-0101: Joan of Arc
Novena to St. Joan of Arc

John Baptist de la Salle HC-0103: John Baptist de la Salle
Teacher's Prayer of St. John Baptist de la Salle. Laminated.

HC-0104: John Bosco
Prayer to St. John Bosco

HC-0105: John Neumann
Prayer Honoring St. John Neumann. Laminated.

John Vianney HC-0107: John Vianney
Prayer to St. John Vianney

HC-0109: Joseph the Worker

HC-0111: Kateri
Prayer to Blessed Kateri

HC-0112: Laurence
Novena to St. Laurence

Our Lady of Loreto HC-0113: Our Lady of Loreto
Prayer to Our Lady of Loreto

HC-0114: Lucy
Novena to St. Lucy

HC-0115: Luke

HC-0116: Maria Goretti
Prayer to St. Maria Goretti

HC-0117: Mark

Nicholas HC-0121: Nicholas
Prayer for Children

HC-0122: Patrick Holy Card
Irish Blessing

HC-0124: Peregrine
Prayers to St. Peregrine

Peter HC-0125: Peter
Novena to St. Peter. Laminated.

HC-0126: Peter and Paul
Novena to Sts. Peter and Paul

HC-0127: Philip Neri
Prayer of St. Philip Neri to Know and Love Jesus. Laminated.

HC-0128: Philomena
Novena to St. Philomena. Laminated.

HC-0130: Raphael
Prayer to St. Raphael

HC-0131: Raymond
Novena to St. Raymond

HC-0133: Rocco
Prayer to St. Rocco

HC-0134: Rosalia
Novena to St. Rosalia

HC-0135: Rose of Lima Holy Card
Prayer to St. Rose of Lima

HC-0136: Simon Stock
Mary's Gift to Simon Stock

HC-0139: Thomas Aquinas
Prayer to St. Thomas Aquinas

HC-0140: Vincent de Paul
Prayer to St. Vincent de Paul

HC-0141: Ten Commandments Holy Card

HC-0142: The Trinity
Novena to the Most Holy Trinity

Cons. to the Sacred Heart HC-0201: Cons. to the Sacred Heart
Full color, laminated holy card from Milan, Italy.

Consecration to Mary HC-0202: Consecration to Mary
Laminated prayer card.

Our Lady of the Mirac. Medal Holy Card HC-0208: Our Lady of the Mirac. Medal Holy Card
Laminated card with image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Fatima Prayer HC-0210: Fatima Prayer
Laminated holy card.

Our Lady of Lourdes Card HC-0211: Our Lady of Lourdes Card
Laminated holy card.

23rd Psalm Holy Card HC-0213: 23rd Psalm Holy Card
Laminated holy card.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Card HC-0215: Our Lady of Guadalupe Card
Laminated holy card.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin HC-0218: Prayer to the Blessed Virgin
Laminated holy card. Prayer to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.

One Little Rose Prayer HC-0220: One Little Rose Prayer
Laminated holy card.

Chaplet of Divine Mercy Holy Card HC-0221: Chaplet of Divine Mercy Holy Card
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Rita Holy Card HC-0223: Prayer to St. Rita Holy Card
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Therese Holy Card HC-0224: Prayer to St. Therese Holy Card
Laminated prayer card

Prayer to St. Martin de Porres HC-0225: Prayer to St. Martin de Porres
Laminated prayer card.

Infant of Prague Novena Prayer HC-0229: Infant of Prague Novena Prayer
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Anthony HC-0230: Prayer to St. Anthony
Laminated Prayer Card

Prayer for Peace (St. Francis) HC-0234: Prayer for Peace (St. Francis)
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Joseph HC-0236: Prayer to St. Joseph
Laminated prayer card

HC-0241: Prayer to St. Michael
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to your Guardian Angel Holy Card HC-0247: Prayer to your Guardian Angel Holy Card

Prayer for Serenity HC-0248: Prayer for Serenity
Laminated holy card.

Prayer to St. Lazarus HC-0254: Prayer to St. Lazarus
Laminated prayer card.

Mysteries of the Holy Rosary HC-0256: Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Anne Holy Card HC-0258: Prayer to St. Anne Holy Card
Laminated prayer card.

Novena to St. Martha HC-0264: Novena to St. Martha
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit HC-0266: Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Laminated prayer card. A good choice for Confirmations and Baptisms.

Prayer to the Infant of Atocha HC-0270: Prayer to the Infant of Atocha
Laminated prayer card

Prayer to St. Martin de Tours HC-0273: Prayer to St. Martin de Tours
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Raymond Nonnatus Holy Card HC-0278: Prayer to St. Raymond Nonnatus Holy Card
Laminated prayer cards

Prayer to St. Gerard Majella HC-0284: Prayer to St. Gerard Majella
Laminated prayer card for Safe Delivery

Hail Holy Queen HC-0292: Hail Holy Queen
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer for Purity HC-0298: Prayer for Purity
Laminated prayer card.

HC-0314: Prayer to St. John Bosco Holy Card
Laminated prayer card.

HC-0315: Prayer to St. Gabriel
Laminated prayer card.

HC-0317: Prayer by Padre Pio
Laminated prayer card.

Christ the King HC-0319: Christ the King
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Lawrence HC-0333: Prayer to St. Lawrence
Laminated prayer card.

Prayer to St. Peregrine Holy Card HC-0345: Prayer to St. Peregrine Holy Card
Laminated prayer card.

Nov. to the Most Powerful Hand HC-0349: Nov. to the Most Powerful Hand
Laminated prayer card.

Confirmation Prayer HC-0352: Confirmation Prayer
Laminated prayer card.

Communion Prayer Holy Card (Boys) HC-0353: Communion Prayer Holy Card (Boys)
Laminated prayer card

Communion Prayer (Girls) HC-0354: Communion Prayer (Girls)
Laminated prayer card.

Communion Prayer Holy Card (General) HC-0355: Communion Prayer Holy Card (General)
Laminated prayer card.

St. John of the Cross HC-0384: St. John of the Cross
Laminated prayer card.