Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.
We began working with lyptus lumber in 2007. Here is a picture of a double-size kneeler made with lyptus. It is a very heavy, attractive wood with an appearance like cherry but with more pink and purple.
A teak kneeler. The customer asked that no finish or kneepad be added, as this was for an outdoor chapel. Teak has a unique waxy oil that allows it to withstand weather for decades, even without any protective finish.
Recent custom votive candle holder -- fits any of our kneelers
Cherry monastic bench with arched apron and chi-rho burn
Cherry kneeler with dovetail woodworking and chi-rho engraving
Maple prayer kneeler showing dovetail woodworking and new (more attractive) joint. Stained with natural oil stain. Special order kneepad cover.
Double-size bench-style kneeler custom ordered for a married couple
Some excellent detail images of recent walnut prayer benches
Recent 'herd' of kneelers preparing to 'go forth.' From front to back you see black walnut, cherry with cherry finish, red oak with cherry finish, two red oak kneelers with natural finish, and in the distance a poplar without finish.
A few older images our standard model, made from maple with a natural finish. It is hard to see on the computer image, but the maple has an attractive 'curling' in the wood grain.
This one is made from red oak and stained to medium walnut using Danish oil -- our original standard design (since modified).