Taizé-style Prayer Bench
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Our Taizé-style kneeler is made with the same fine workmanship and quality components as the full-size kneelers:
- You assume a kneeling position, then sit back on the stool-like bench, which takes almost your entire body-weight off of your knees while allowing you to remain in a kneeling, prayerful posture. Your feet are tucked under the bench.
- About 9" tall for comfort and convenience. Tucks neatly under bed or into a closet when not in use.
- No glue joints to 'come unglued' -- all solid hardwood, screw and bolt construction to last a lifetime or more
- Available with or without seat cushion -- we recommend against the pad, but are happy to add one if desired
- Total weight is about 10 pounds in oak
- For additional ergonomic comfort, simply place a thin pillow under your knees
Design Options
Please select from the following options to complete your Taizé-style Prayer Bench. All figures are estimates based on our latest materials, labor and freight expenses. It is unusual for us to have to change any costs except in the case of special shipping or design needs.