Supporting the life of prayer since 1996 with custom handmade rosaries, rosary kits, supplies, kneelers and prayer books.
A rosary necklace is a 5-Decade Dominican rosary -- usually a chain one -- with a clasp added making it more convenient to wear around the neck. The clasp is added near the center or in the third decade (the back of the neck). Larger rosaries do not require a clasp as long as they can fit over one's head, but most common rosaries are too small to fit over the head and so a clasp is needed.
Some people find it odd to wear a rosary necklace, but wearing a rosary on one's clothing has a long tradition, especially among religious orders. Of course, wearing a rosary served a spiritual utilitarian purpose -- not a fashion statement -- making it possible for the christian to easily pray the rosary at any time or place. It can help one to remember to pray throughout the day, as do rosary bracelets, pocket rosaries, rosary rings and other similar items.
Most chain rosaries can be made into rosary necklaces. Cord and flexwire ones can be 'converted,' too, but take a little more work. Any of our chain rosaries can be ordered as standard rosaries or with a clasp added, making it a rosary necklace.
If you have a chain rosary you can easily add a clasp with basic rosary making tools (rosary pliers and chain nose pliers), thereby creating your own rosary necklace. Or, if you have a chain rosary necklace you can also remove the clasp using the same common rosary tools, changing it back into a standard rosary.
We charge a little more for rosary necklaces (just to cover the labor of adding the clasp).
Surprisingly-strong magnetic clasps are also available and are best for those who tend to break their necklaces due to activity or have difficulty with mechanical clasps.